C4555-60028 printer parts diagram.


C4555-60028 is represented by #6 in the diagram below.

C4555-60028 is represented by #6 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 C2145-60032 - Carriage assembly flex cable - Overall length is 46.7cm (18.4in)
  • 3
    • 3 C4555-60067 - Carriage belt idler wheel assembly - Includes: idler mount, pulley, ball bearing and idler axle
  • 4
    • 4 C4555-60068 - Turnaround assembly - Holds belt tension components in place
  • 6
    • 6 C4555-60028 - Pivot and feed roller assembly - Includes pivot and shaft - Feeds the media under the carriage assembly and print cartridges
  • 9
    • 9 C5300-60043 - Service station assembly - Does NOT include motor, tools, or instructions
    • 9 C5300-60077 - Service station assembly with tool and instructions - Does NOT include motor
  • 10
    • 10 C2145-00042 - Encoder stiffener - Prevents oscillation of encoder strip
  • 11
    • 11 C2145-80016 - Encoder strip - Carriage position sensor reference
  • 12
    • 12 C2145-40058 - Drive belt - For the print mechanism carriage assembly
  • 12
    • 12 C2145-40058 - Drive belt - For the print mechanism carriage assembly
C2145-40118 Guide Pre-guide (For envelopes)
C2145-60032 Cable Carriage assembly flex cable - Overall length is 46.7cm (18.4in)
C4555-60067 Idler Carriage belt idler wheel assembly - Includes: idler mount, pulley, ball bearing and idler axle
C4555-60068 Turnaround Assembly Turnaround assembly - Holds belt tension components in place
C2124-60116 Roller Lower pinch roller
C4555-60028 Roller Pivot and feed roller assembly - Includes pivot and shaft - Feeds the media under the carriage assembly and print cartridges
C4555-40002 Gear Gear cluster (Dual gear)
C2145-60012 Motor Service station motor
C5300-60043 Service Station Service station assembly - Does NOT include motor, tools, or instructions
C5300-60077 Service Station Service station assembly with tool and instructions - Does NOT include motor
C2145-00042 Stiffener Encoder stiffener - Prevents oscillation of encoder strip
C2145-80016 Strip Encoder strip - Carriage position sensor reference
C2145-40058 Belt Drive belt - For the print mechanism carriage assembly
C2145-40047 Clamp Flex cable clamp
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