C3195-40026 printer parts diagram.


C3195-40026 is represented by #6 in the diagram below.

Pen Carriage Assembly
C3195-40026 is represented by #6 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C4705-60082 - Carriage belt (D-size) - Long/wide belt attached to the carriage
    • 1 C4706-60082 - Carriage belt (E-size 36inch belt)- Long/wide belt attached to the carriage
  • 2
    • 2 C2858-60010 - Linear encoder IC - Detects carriage position as it moves along encoder strip
  • 3
    • 3 C2858-40017 - Rear slider rod bushing (Spring loaded) - Slides into the rear center of the carriage assembly
  • 4
    • 4 C1633-80014 - Compression spring - For the rear bushing on the carriage
  • 5
    • 5 C3195-40027 - Ribbon cable clamp (bottom half) - Secures the trailing cable to the top of the carriage assembly
  • 6
    • 6 C3195-40026 - Ribbon cable clamp (top half) - Secures the trailing cable to the top of the carriage assembly
  • 7
    • 7 C4705-69113 - Pen carriage assembly - Drafting `Head` for the plotter (holds one black ink cartridge)
    • 7 C4708-69113 - Pen carriage assembly - Drafting `Head` for the plotter (holds tri-color and one black ink cartridges) - Front bushing is included and cannot be ordered separately
C4705-60082 Belt Carriage belt (D-size) - Long/wide belt attached to the carriage
C4706-60082 Belt Carriage belt (E-size 36inch belt)- Long/wide belt attached to the carriage
C2858-60010 Encoder Linear encoder IC - Detects carriage position as it moves along encoder strip
C2858-40017 Bushing Rear slider rod bushing (Spring loaded) - Slides into the rear center of the carriage assembly
C1633-80014 Spring Compression spring - For the rear bushing on the carriage
C3195-40027 Clamp Ribbon cable clamp (bottom half) - Secures the trailing cable to the top of the carriage assembly
C3195-40026 Clamp Ribbon cable clamp (top half) - Secures the trailing cable to the top of the carriage assembly
C4705-69113 Carriage Pen carriage assembly - Drafting `Head` for the plotter (holds one black ink cartridge)
C4708-69113 Carriage Pen carriage assembly - Drafting `Head` for the plotter (holds tri-color and one black ink cartridges) - Front bushing is included and cannot be ordered separately
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