C3124-60001 printer parts diagram.


C3124-60001 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

C3124-60001 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RB1-6441-000CN - Transfer guide bushing
    • 1 RG9-1361-020CN - Roller : Transfer roller assembly - Includes transfer roller and guide unit with attached gear.
  • 1
    • 1 RB1-6441-000CN - Transfer guide bushing
    • 1 RG9-1361-020CN - Roller : Transfer roller assembly - Includes transfer roller and guide unit with attached gear.
  • 1
    • 1 RB1-6441-000CN - Transfer guide bushing
    • 1 RG9-1361-020CN - Roller : Transfer roller assembly - Includes transfer roller and guide unit with attached gear.
  • 2
    • 2 RB1-6441-000CN - Transfer guide bushing
    • 2 RG9-1361-020CN - Roller : Transfer roller assembly - Includes transfer roller and guide unit with attached gear.
  • 3
    • 3 C3124-60001 - Paper pickup assembly - Includes pickup, feed and separation rollers
  • 3
    • 3 RG5-1884-000CN - Multipurpose paper tray board - Includes paper sensors PS1301 and PS1302
  • 4
    • 4 C3166-69020 - Paper pickup assembly - Includes pick-up feed and separation rollers
  • 5
    • 5 RB1-6709-000CN - Retainer clip - Keeps multipurpose/tray1 hinge in place - Black plastic clip for right side tray 1 hinge
  • 6
    • 6 RB1-6708-000CN - Retainer clip - Keeps multipurpose/tray 1 hinge in place - Black plastic clip for left side tray 1 hinge stop
  • 7
    • 7 RG5-1883-060CN - Multi-Purpose paper input tray (Tray 1) - Includes pull out extender tray
  • 8
    • 8 RG5-1874-110CN - Face down delivery assembly - Feeds paper to top of printer
  • 10
    • 10 RB1-6443-000CN - Toner cartridge guide - Front guide - Plastic piece with slot to guide toner cartridge
  • 14
    • 14 RG5-1880-100CN - Paper pickup assembly Hewlett Packard Multi Purpose Pick Up Assembly
  • 15
    • 15 C3124-60002 - Registration assembly - Set of rollers before toner cartridge and after feed rollers - Has green handle with the number 2 printed on it - Heavy media only
  • 16
    • 16 RG5-1833-040CN - Registration assembly - Set of rollers before toner cartridge and after feed rollers - Has green handle.
    • 16 RG5-1833-090CN - Registration assembly - Set of rollers before toner cartridge and after feed rollers - Has green handle with the number 2 printed on it
  • 17
    • 17 RG5-1834-000CN - Feeder assembly - Transfer roller and registration assembly are mounted on this assembly
  • 19
    • 19 5182-2811 - Fusing assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - In quantity price break packaging (Contains five new fusing assemblies)
    • 19 5182-2812 - Fusing assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - In quantity price break packaging (Contains ten new fusing assemblies)
    • 19 C3166-69017 - Fusing assembly - For 100 VAC to 120 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 19 C3166-69018 - Fuser Assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 19 RG5-4448-030CN - Fuser Assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
  • 20
    • 20 RG5-1919-000CN - Cable assembly - From DC controller board to main motor
  • 22
    • 22 RF5-1394-000CN - Transfer guide - Guide transfer roller is mounted into
RB1-6441-000CN Bushing Transfer guide bushing
RB1-6468-000CN Cover Clutch cover - Paper feed clutch cover
RB2-3631-000CN Cover Clutch cover - Paper feed clutch cover
RG9-1361-020CN Roller Roller : Transfer roller assembly - Includes transfer roller and guide unit with attached gear.
RB1-6441-000CN Bushing Transfer guide bushing
RG9-1361-020CN Roller Roller : Transfer roller assembly - Includes transfer roller and guide unit with attached gear.
C3124-60001 Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Includes pickup, feed and separation rollers
RG5-1884-000CN PC Board Multipurpose paper tray board - Includes paper sensors PS1301 and PS1302
C3166-69020 Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Includes pick-up feed and separation rollers
RB1-6709-000CN Clip Retainer clip - Keeps multipurpose/tray1 hinge in place - Black plastic clip for right side tray 1 hinge
RB1-6708-000CN Clip Retainer clip - Keeps multipurpose/tray 1 hinge in place - Black plastic clip for left side tray 1 hinge stop
RG5-1883-060CN Tray Multi-Purpose paper input tray (Tray 1) - Includes pull out extender tray
RG5-1874-110CN Delivery Face down delivery assembly - Feeds paper to top of printer
RG5-1875-000CN Solenoid Face Up solenoid assembly
RB1-6446-000CN Arm Release arm - Toner cartridge release arm - Hook shaped cartridge holder
RG5-1875-000CN Solenoid Face Up solenoid assembly
RB1-6443-000CN Guide Toner cartridge guide - Front guide - Plastic piece with slot to guide toner cartridge
RG5-1847-000CN Gear Assembly Main print drive gear assembly
RF5-1455-000CN Pad Multipurpose paper input tray separation pad
RB1-6730-000CN Roller Multipurpose paper input tray feed roller
RG5-1880-100CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly Hewlett Packard Multi Purpose Pick Up Assembly
C3124-60002 Roller Registration assembly - Set of rollers before toner cartridge and after feed rollers - Has green handle with the number 2 printed on it - Heavy media only
RH7-5203-000CN Clutch Registration assembly clutch
RG5-1833-040CN Registration Registration assembly - Set of rollers before toner cartridge and after feed rollers - Has green handle.
RG5-1833-090CN Roller Registration assembly - Set of rollers before toner cartridge and after feed rollers - Has green handle with the number 2 printed on it
RG5-1834-000CN Feeder Feeder assembly - Transfer roller and registration assembly are mounted on this assembly
5182-2811 Fuser Assembly Fusing assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - In quantity price break packaging (Contains five new fusing assemblies)
5182-2812 Fuser Assembly Fusing assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - In quantity price break packaging (Contains ten new fusing assemblies)
C3166-69017 Fuser Assembly Fusing assembly - For 100 VAC to 120 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
C3166-69018 Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RG5-4448-030CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly (For 220V to 240V operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RG5-1919-000CN Cable Cable assembly - From DC controller board to main motor
RH7-1260-000CN Motor Main motor for HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier
RF5-1394-000CN Guide Transfer guide - Guide transfer roller is mounted into
RB1-6444-000CN Arm Release arm for HP LaserJet 5Si Series
RF5-1412-000CN Roller Transfer charge roller (Black)
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