C2670-60108 printer parts diagram.


C2670-60108 is represented by #14 in the diagram below.

C2670-60108 is represented by #14 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C2670-60132 - Keypad PC board assembly - Includes cable
  • 3
    • 3 C2670-60106 - Paper input tray assembly - Includes media width adjuster
  • 5
    • 5 C2670-60103 - Back cover - Covers the back of the printer
  • 6
    • 6 C2670-60107 - Paper input tray side covers - Covers the left and right sides of the input tray
  • 6
    • 6 C2670-60107 - Paper input tray side covers - Covers the left and right sides of the input tray
  • 7
    • 7 C8099-67015 - Power supply PC board - Internal power supply assembly
  • 8
    • 8 C2670-60110 - Carriage rail assembly - Has four star wheels on the leading edge
  • 9
    • 9 C2670-60101 - Main logic PCA - With basic font (International version)
  • 10
    • 10 C2670-60102 - Front case - Includes front covers and carriage access door
  • 11
    • 11 C2678-60105 - Ink cartridge carriage assembly - This item should be replaced only by trained experienced service personnel
  • 12
    • 12 C2670-60124 - Service station assembly - Includes the tumbler, sponge, motor, blotter assembly, and chimney wall
  • 13
    • 13 C2670-60133 - Motor harness cable with ferrite - 15-pin (F) connector to 29.5cm (11.6in) cable with 6-pin (F) connector, 33.8cm (13.3in) cable with 3-pin (F) connector, and 40.6cm (16in) cable with 6-pin (F) connector
  • 14
    • 14 C2670-60108 - Base assembly - Metal base for the rest of the printer
  • 15
    • 15 C2670-60116 - Flex cable clamp - Includes carriage flex cable
  • 16
    • 16 C2670-60109 - Stopper guides - Mounts on the bottom of the printer and guides the paper input tray stopper
  • 16
    • 16 C2670-60109 - Stopper guides - Mounts on the bottom of the printer and guides the paper input tray stopper
  • 17
    • 17 C2670-60138 - Pickup roller assembly - Shaft with 2 rollers - Picks paper from paper input tray
  • 18
    • 18 C2678-60115 - Print Platen - Surface that supports paper during printing - Includes shaft and five 1 inch rubber rollers
  • 20
    • 20 C2670-60118 - Encoder strip - Carriage position sensor reference
  • 22
    • 22 C2670-60119 - Carriage drive belt - Moves printhead side to side
  • 23
    • 23 C2670-60131 - Carriage drive motor - Includes pulley
  • 24
    • 24 C2670-60113 - Drive roller assembly - Shaft with five rubber rollers
  • 25
    • 25 C2670-60115 - Pinch roller - Ensures contact between paper and main roller
  • 27
    • 27 C2670-60105 - Paper input tray extender (Stop) - Extends from the bottom of the paper tray to accommodate different media lengths
C2670-60132 Keypad Keypad PC board assembly - Includes cable
C2670-60114 Guide Trough assembly
C2670-60106 Tray Paper input tray assembly - Includes media width adjuster
C2670-60121 PC Board Carriage PC board
C2670-60103 Cover Back cover - Covers the back of the printer
C2670-60107 Cover Paper input tray side covers - Covers the left and right sides of the input tray
C8099-67015 PC Board Power supply PC board - Internal power supply assembly
C2670-60110 Rail Carriage rail assembly - Has four star wheels on the leading edge
C2670-60101 PC Board Main logic PCA - With basic font (International version)
C2670-60102 Cover Front case - Includes front covers and carriage access door
C2678-60105 Carriage Ink cartridge carriage assembly - This item should be replaced only by trained experienced service personnel
C2670-60124 Service Station Service station assembly - Includes the tumbler, sponge, motor, blotter assembly, and chimney wall
C2670-60133 Cable Motor harness cable with ferrite - 15-pin (F) connector to 29.5cm (11.6in) cable with 6-pin (F) connector, 33.8cm (13.3in) cable with 3-pin (F) connector, and 40.6cm (16in) cable with 6-pin (F) connector
C2670-60108 Base Base assembly - Metal base for the rest of the printer
C2670-60116 Clamp Flex cable clamp - Includes carriage flex cable
C2670-60109 Guide Stopper guides - Mounts on the bottom of the printer and guides the paper input tray stopper
C2670-60138 Roller Pickup roller assembly - Shaft with 2 rollers - Picks paper from paper input tray
C2678-60115 Platen Print Platen - Surface that supports paper during printing - Includes shaft and five 1 inch rubber rollers
C2678-60104 Sensor Sensor assembly
C2670-60118 Encoder Encoder strip - Carriage position sensor reference
C2670-60134 Separator Paper pick separator assembly
C2670-60119 Belt Carriage drive belt - Moves printhead side to side
C2670-60131 Motor Carriage drive motor - Includes pulley
C2670-60113 Roller Drive roller assembly - Shaft with five rubber rollers
C2670-60115 Roller Pinch roller - Ensures contact between paper and main roller
C2670-60104 Tray Paper output tray assembly
C2670-60105 Stop Paper input tray extender (Stop) - Extends from the bottom of the paper tray to accommodate different media lengths
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