C2162-20005 printer parts diagram.


C2162-20005 is represented by #52 in the diagram below.

C2162-20005 is represented by #52 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C2164-60045 - Paper stepper motor assembly (does NOT include cable)
  • 2
  • 5
    • 5 9170-1616 - Toroid - for Control Panel Ribbon Cable and Paper Motor
  • 6
    • 6 C2124-60115 - Carriage motor - Drives the carriage belt
  • 7
    • 7 C2890-60052 - Print mechanism chassis assembly - The base structure of the print mechanism
  • 9
    • 9 C2890-60023 - Pen driver ribbon cable - 27cm (10.5in) long
  • 9
    • 9 C2890-60023 - Pen driver ribbon cable - 27cm (10.5in) long
  • 10
    • 10 C2890-40070 - Lever arm - Used to lift the pressure plate lifter
  • 11
    • 11 C2890-20006 - Lever arm spring - Provides tension between the lever arm and the pressure plate lifter
  • 12
    • 12 C2890-40068 - Left/right lifter cap - Holds the pressure plate lifter in place
  • 12
    • 12 C2890-40068 - Left/right lifter cap - Holds the pressure plate lifter in place
  • 13
    • 13 C2890-40071 - Separator lifter - Installed between the separator and the pressure plate lifter
  • 14
    • 14 C2890-40075 - Center lifter cap - Holds the pressure plate lifter and the kicker spring in place
  • 15
    • 15 C2128-00002 - Kicker spring - Provides tension for the kicker
  • 16
    • 16 C2128-00006 - Separator spring - Provides pressure between the separator assembly and the center drive roller
  • 17
    • 17 C2890-40072 - Separator peg - Lifts the separator pad when the lifter shaft lifts
  • 18
    • 18 C2128-00003 - Helper spring - Used to lift the pressure plate assembly
  • 19
    • 19 C2890-60049 - Pressure Plate Assembly - Holds media to be printed against the paper input feed rollers
  • 20
    • 20 C2128-00051 - Carriage belt damper - Installed under right end of carriage belt
  • 22
    • 22 C2890-60079 - Flex cable holder - Used to ensure the flex cable bends correctly when carriage is in home position
  • 23
    • 23 C2890-40076 - Adjuster - Used to adjust pen-to-paper spacing
  • 25
    • 25 C2171-67806 - Idler pulley - Holds left end of carriage belt
  • 26
    • 26 C2890-40063 - Belt tension bracket - Holds the carriage belt idler pulley
  • 27
    • 27 C2124-20004 - Belt spring - For belt tension bracket
  • 29
    • 29 C2890-40073 - Kicker - Restacks the paper in the paper input tray after the top sheet is removed
  • 32
    • 32 C2890-60076 - Pivot assembly - Large plastic item with large rollers - Picks and feeds media through print mechanism
  • 33
    • 33 C4549-00002 - Paper guide - Holds the upper pinch rollers and springs
  • 34
    • 34 C2124-60162 - Upper pinch roller and spring assembly
  • 34
    • 34 C2124-60162 - Upper pinch roller and spring assembly
  • 34
    • 34 C2124-60162 - Upper pinch roller and spring assembly
  • 35
    • 35 C2124-20008 - Limiter spring - Provides tension for rotation limiter
  • 36
    • 36 C2890-40067 - Rotation limiter - Limits the rotation of the pivot
  • 37
  • 37
  • 38
    • 38 C2124-00009 - Spring - Installed in spittoon assembly
  • 39
    • 39 C2890-80026 - Ink absorber for HP OfficeJet 330 Series
  • 40
    • 40 C2890-60084 - Sled assembly - White plastic piece with spring, wipers and boot (assembly that the ink cartridge parks on) - Mounts on top of the service station assembly
  • 40
    • 40 C2890-60084 - Sled assembly - White plastic piece with spring, wipers and boot (assembly that the ink cartridge parks on) - Mounts on top of the service station assembly
  • 40
    • 40 C2890-60084 - Sled assembly - White plastic piece with spring, wipers and boot (assembly that the ink cartridge parks on) - Mounts on top of the service station assembly
  • 40
    • 40 C2890-60084 - Sled assembly - White plastic piece with spring, wipers and boot (assembly that the ink cartridge parks on) - Mounts on top of the service station assembly
  • 41
    • 41 C2113-40006 - Wiper - Cleans ink and debris from print nozzles
  • 42
    • 42 C2890-60080 - Service station assembly - Includes service station base (frame) and sled retainer
  • 42
    • 42 C2890-60080 - Service station assembly - Includes service station base (frame) and sled retainer
  • 44
    • 44 C2890-40108 - OOPS flag - Media sensor - Mounts on top of the paper guide between the right and center pinch rollers
  • 45
    • 45 C2164-40060 - Carriage belt for HP DeskJet 550C Series
  • 46
    • 46 C2124-80008 - Encoder strip - Clear strip with position marks - Used by the sensor in the carriage assembly to determine position
  • 47
    • 47 C2124-20001 - Rear rail - Supports carriage assembly
  • 48
    • 48 C2124-00001 - Encoder spring - Provides tension for encoder strip
  • 49
    • 49 C2170-00002 - Carriage rod retainer - Holds left end of carriage rod
  • 50
    • 50 C2165-00001 - Left bracket - Carriage rod adjustment bracket (Left)
  • 51
    • 51 C2170-00008 - Right bracket - Carriage rod adjustment bracket (Right)
  • 52
    • 52 C2162-20005 - Carriage rod - Supports horizontal carriage movement
  • 53
    • 53 C2890-60082 - Carriage assembly - Includes flex cable and bushings
C2164-60045 Motor Paper stepper motor assembly (does NOT include cable)
C2162-40002 Gear Cluster gear for HP DeskJet 500 Series
C2124-20011 Spring Pre-loader spring
C2890-60238 Cable Paper motor power cable
9170-1616 Toroid Toroid - for Control Panel Ribbon Cable and Paper Motor
C2124-60115 Motor Carriage motor - Drives the carriage belt
C2890-60052 Chassis Print mechanism chassis assembly - The base structure of the print mechanism
9170-1618 Toroid Toroid for pen driver cable
C2890-60023 Cable Pen driver ribbon cable - 27cm (10.5in) long
C2890-40070 Arm Lever arm - Used to lift the pressure plate lifter
C2890-20006 Spring Lever arm spring - Provides tension between the lever arm and the pressure plate lifter
C2890-40068 Cap Left/right lifter cap - Holds the pressure plate lifter in place
C2890-40071 Lifter Separator lifter - Installed between the separator and the pressure plate lifter
C2890-40075 Cap Center lifter cap - Holds the pressure plate lifter and the kicker spring in place
C2128-00002 Spring Kicker spring - Provides tension for the kicker
C2128-00006 Spring Separator spring - Provides pressure between the separator assembly and the center drive roller
C2890-40072 Peg Separator peg - Lifts the separator pad when the lifter shaft lifts
C2128-00003 Spring Helper spring - Used to lift the pressure plate assembly
C2890-60049 Plate Pressure Plate Assembly - Holds media to be printed against the paper input feed rollers
C2128-00051 Damper Carriage belt damper - Installed under right end of carriage belt
C2890-60078 Actuator Clutch actuator
C2890-60079 Holder Flex cable holder - Used to ensure the flex cable bends correctly when carriage is in home position
C2890-40076 Adjuster Adjuster - Used to adjust pen-to-paper spacing
1480-1023 Shaft Idler shaft (dowel pin)
C2171-67806 Idler Idler pulley - Holds left end of carriage belt
C2890-40063 Bracket Belt tension bracket - Holds the carriage belt idler pulley
C2124-20004 Spring Belt spring - For belt tension bracket
C2890-60083 PC Board Pen driver PC board
C2890-40073 Kicker Kicker - Restacks the paper in the paper input tray after the top sheet is removed
C2128-60018 Separator Separator pad assembly
C2124-60116 Roller Lower pinch roller
C2890-60076 Roller Pivot assembly - Large plastic item with large rollers - Picks and feeds media through print mechanism
C4549-00002 Guide Paper guide - Holds the upper pinch rollers and springs
C2124-60162 Roller Upper pinch roller and spring assembly
C2124-20008 Spring Limiter spring - Provides tension for rotation limiter
C2890-40067 Limiter Rotation limiter - Limits the rotation of the pivot
C2890-60081 Spitton Spittoon assembly - Includes absorber
C2124-00009 Spring Spring - Installed in spittoon assembly
C2890-80026 Absorber Ink absorber for HP OfficeJet 330 Series
C2890-60084 Sled Sled assembly - White plastic piece with spring, wipers and boot (assembly that the ink cartridge parks on) - Mounts on top of the service station assembly
C2113-40006 Wiper Wiper - Cleans ink and debris from print nozzles
C2890-60080 Service Station Service station assembly - Includes service station base (frame) and sled retainer
C2890-40077 Sensor Envelope sensor
C2890-40108 Flag OOPS flag - Media sensor - Mounts on top of the paper guide between the right and center pinch rollers
C2164-40060 Belt Carriage belt for HP DeskJet 550C Series
C2124-80008 Strip Encoder strip - Clear strip with position marks - Used by the sensor in the carriage assembly to determine position
C2124-20001 Rail Rear rail - Supports carriage assembly
C2124-00001 Spring Encoder spring - Provides tension for encoder strip
C2170-00002 Retainer Carriage rod retainer - Holds left end of carriage rod
C2165-00001 Bracket Left bracket - Carriage rod adjustment bracket (Left)
C2170-00008 Bracket Right bracket - Carriage rod adjustment bracket (Right)
C2162-20005 Rod Carriage rod - Supports horizontal carriage movement
C2890-60082 Carriage Carriage assembly - Includes flex cable and bushings
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