C1676-40175 is represented by #1 in the diagram below.
- 1
- 1 C1676-40175 - Sled filter - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
- 1
- 1 C1676-40175 - Sled filter - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
- 1
- 1 C1676-40175 - Sled filter - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
- 1
- 1 C1676-40175 - Sled filter - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
- 2
- 2 C1676-40245 - Cartridge cap - Keeps cartridges from drying out when carriage is parked in the service station
Sled filter - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
Cartridge cap - Keeps cartridges from drying out when carriage is parked in the service station