RM1-1887-020CN is represented by #5 in the diagram below.
Internal components
- 1
- 1 RC1-5249-000CN - Left side cam - Small white plastic cam - Moves inside the left side of the electronic transfer belt (ETB) door rod link
- 2
- 2 RC1-5311-000CN - Right hinge cam - Small white plastic cam - Moves inside the right side of the electronic transfer belt (ETB) door rod link
- 5
- 5 RM1-1885-020CN - Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Includes the assembly structure, ETB belt, drive roller, and four transfer rollers - Wide belt assembly which feeds the paper past each toner cartridge - Mounts to the lower front of the print engine frame
- 5 RM1-1887-020CN - Electrostatic Tranfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Includes the assembly structure ETB belt drive roller and four tranfer rollers - Wide belt assembly which feeds the paper past each toner cartridge - Mounts to the lower front of the print engine frame
Left side cam - Small white plastic cam - Moves inside the left side of the electronic transfer belt (ETB) door rod link
Right hinge cam - Small white plastic cam - Moves inside the right side of the electronic transfer belt (ETB) door rod link
Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Includes the assembly structure, ETB belt, drive roller, and four transfer rollers - Wide belt assembly which feeds the paper past each toner cartridge - Mounts to the lower front of the print engine frame
Electrostatic Tranfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Includes the assembly structure ETB belt drive roller and four tranfer rollers - Wide belt assembly which feeds the paper past each toner cartridge - Mounts to the lower front of the print engine frame